Responsible investment: an element of portfolio optimization
ESG stands for "Environment, Social and Governance". When implementing these sustainability aspects, we at Metzler Asset Management GmbH take exclusion criteria, ESG integration, dialogues, proxy voting rights and ESG controlling and reporting into consideration.
In addition to purely financial criteria, Metzler Asset Management GmbH's investment process also takes into account how companies handle ecological, social and corporate governance aspects. A broader data basis is intended to improve targeted selection of securities and thus the risk/return profile of the portfolios (not guaranteed or warranted).
Sustainable Investment Office
Metzler Asset Management GmbH concentrates its sustainability activities in the Sustainable Investment Office (SIO) under the management of Daniel Sailer with the aim of efficiently implementing and further developing its ESG strategy. Expert know-how in ESG research, asset management, ESG reporting and for tailor-made advisory services is bundled in the SIO.
You can reach the SIO by e-mail at or follow us on social media at #MetzlerESG.
Measuring Portfolio Suitability in Terms of Climate Change Targets
We are pleased to announce that our group company, Metzler Asset Management GmbH (Germany), has become the first asset management company in Germany to adopt MSCI's innovative climate risk model.
More details (in German language)